Thursday, August 27, 2009

生日快乐 。。 。。

829 。。 。。
我的生日 !!
就这样 。。 。。 又过了一年 !!
又老了一岁 ~~

这年真的好特别 !!
以前从没有这样 。。 。。
可是今年 !!??
比以前肯好 !!
唯一不变的就是 。。 。。
我 ~~ 还是不孤单的一个人过生日 !!

今年有人帮我庆祝 !!
应该我在他(她)们的心中 ~~
还是一个小女孩吧 !!

突然有一股想哭的感觉 !!
因为实在是很高兴了 !!
我收到了好多喜欢的礼物 !!
真的没想到我的朋友们会送我那么多我喜欢的礼物 。。 。。
真的要谢谢我的朋友们 !!

~~ 也祝我生日快乐 ~~

生日快乐 。。 。。 我对自己说 ~~
希望 ~~ 我的家人朋友 。。 。。 还有我所认识的人都身体健康 ~~ 平平安安 ~~ 事事顺利 !! 还有 ~~ 也希望我的爱人可以守在我的身边 , 一直到永远 ~~~~ !!!

原来 ~~
生日 ~~ 也只是不过是如此而已 !!
** 今年的21岁生日真的过得很不开心 。。 。。 可是跟我的爱人在一起过生日真的很开心 。。 。。 你送我的手表我很喜欢 ~~ 谢谢你 !! **

Sunday, August 23, 2009

a FrIeNDsHIp RoSe FoR YoU

This rose is a symbol of our
Friendship and signifies
How important you are to me ?
May yours days always be blessed with happiness and love .
Take a moment and share this roses with the special friend in your life ,, ,,

Friday, August 14, 2009


在初阳升起时 ,
我想见你 ,
夜云散了 ,
和你独坐在紫蓝山坡上 ,
满怀希望的看着 ,
太阳漫步就班的向世界说早安 ,
只悟了有你陪伴 ,
世界是多么美丽 。。 。。

在晴空万里时 ,
我想见你 ,
白云集了 ,
和你独在油绿草上 ,
满怀心喜的看着 ,
风筝随着清风在蓝天上起舞 ,
只悟了有你在身旁 ,
心情是多么愉快 。。 。。

在老天不作美时 ,
我想见你 ,
乌云来了 ,
和你独出在淡黄的咖啡室 ,
满怀忧虑的看着 ,
大雨无情地吹打那无助的大地 ,
只悟了有你在鼓励 ,
感觉是多么的轻松 。。 。。

然而现在 ,
你不辞而别 ,
独自落泪也是无补于事 ,
谁晓得 ,
在朦胧的夜里 ,
天上繁星会与我说话 ,
告诉我 ,
他在天的另一边 ,
默默的祝福我 ,
心里满不是味儿 ,
只想悠悠的告诉你 ,
“ 想见你 ”

LosT oN TImE .. ..

1000 dark faces , all strangers but one
Towards him I did look , it was my sun
Sparkling eyes , which I could not see
Only within his heart , could I could I be free
Secrets were told , lies they were never
To each other we're bound , I'd thought forever
Upon saying Farewell , my heart ... it was broken
Many miles between words too silently spoken
Cold depths , coming soon
Falling darkness begins to show
All I see is turned to frost
My beautiful Friend ,,,
To time , you have been lost

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FrIeNDsHIp vs LoVe

Friendship la a quiet walk in the park
With the one you trust
Love is when you feel like
You're the only two around
Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes
And you know they care
Love is when they gaze into your eyes
And it warms your heart
Friendship is being close even you are far apart
Love is when you can still feel their hand
On your heart when they are not near
Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best
Love is when you bring them the very best
Friendship occupies your minds
Love occupies you soul
Friendship is knowing that
You will always try to be there when in need ,
Love is when you will give up everything
To be at their side
Friendship is a warm smile in the winter
Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart
Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares
A tender laugh , which opens your heart
A single touch that melts away your tears
A smell that reminds you of the innocence of youth
Friendship can survive without Love
Love cannot live without Friendship ... !

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

JusT a BenD In the RoaD

When we feel we have nothing left to give ,
And we are sure that the song has ended ,
When our day seems over and the shadows fall ,
And the darkness of night has descended ,
Where can we go to find the strength to valiantly keep on trying ?
Where can we find the hand that will dry the tears of the heart that is crying ?
There's but one place to go and that is to God ,
And dropping all pretense and pride ,
We can pour out our problems without restraint ,
And gain strength with Him at our side ,
And together we stand at life's crossroads ,
And view what we think is the end ,
But God has a much bigger vision ,
And he tells us it's only a bend .
For the road goes on and is smoother ,
And the pause in the song is a rest ,
And the part that's unsung and unfinished ,
Is the sweetest and richest and best .
So rest and relax and grow stronger ,
Let go and let God share your load ,
Your work is not finished or ended ,
You've just come to a bend in the road .

Monday, August 10, 2009

** NoBoDy kNoW .. .. **

Nobody knows its empty
Tis smile tat I wear ,
The real I is left in the past
Bcoz U have left me there .
Nobody knows Im crying
They wont even see my tears ,
When they think tat Im laughing
I still wishing U were here .
Nobody knows its painful
They think tat Im strong ,
They say tat this wont kill me
But I wonder if they were wrong .
Nobody knows I praying
Tat U will change my mind ,
They think tat I had let U go
When U left me behind .
Nobody knows I miss U
They think I feel set free ,
But I feel like Im bound with chains
Trapped in the mystery .
Nobody knows I need U
They say I can do it on my own ,
But they dont know Im crying
When Im all alopne .

ABC of FrIeNDsHIp .. ..

A Accepts yours you are
B Believes in you
C Calls you just to say "Hi"
D Doesn't give up on you
E Envisions the whole of you
F Forgives your mistakes
G Gives unconditionally
H Helps you
I Invites you over
J just likes to be with you
K Keeps you close at heart
L Loves you for who you are
M Makes a difference in your life
N Never judges you
O Offers support
P Picks you up when you are down
Q Quiets your tears
R Respects you
S Says nice things about you
T Tells you the truth when you needs to hear it
U Understands you
V Values you
W Walks besides you
X Xplains things you don't understand
Y Yells when you need to listen
Z Zaps you back to reality

Sunday, August 9, 2009

普通的 VS 真正的 

一個 普通 的朋友從未看過你哭泣。
一個 真正 的朋友有雙肩讓你的淚水濕盡。
一個 普通 的朋友不知道你父母的姓氏。

一個 真正 的朋友有他們的電話在通訊錄上。
一個 普通 的朋友會帶瓶葡萄酒參加你的派對。

一個 真正 的朋友會早點來幫你準備並且為了幫你打掃而晚點走。
一個 普通 的朋友討厭你在他睡了後打來。

一個 真正 的朋友會問為什麼現在才打來。
一個 普通 的朋友找你談論你的困擾。

一個 真正 的朋友找你解決你的困擾。
一個 普通 的朋友對你的羅曼史感到好奇。

一個 真正 的朋友可以威脅你說出來。
一個 普通 的朋友在拜訪時,像一個客人一樣。

一個 真正 的朋友會打開冰箱自己拿東西。
一個 普通 的朋友在吵架後就認為友誼已經結束。
一個 真正 的朋友明白當你們還沒打過架就不叫真正的友誼。
一個 普通 的朋友期望你永遠在他身邊陪他。
一個 真正 的朋友期望他能永遠陪在你?


Thursday, August 6, 2009

HoLd a TrUe FrIeND & DoN'T LeT Go

FrIends .. ..
They loVe yOu ,
But They are not your lover
They care for you ,
but they are not from your family
They are ready to share your pain ,
but they are not in your blood relation .
They are ... ... FRIENDS !!!
True friend ... ...
Scolds like a DAD ... ...
Cares like a MOM ... ...
Teases like a SISTER ... ...
Irritates like a BROTHER ... ...
And finally loves U more than a LOVER .


幸运 运气
其实 两个都不能相提并论
因为 运气 并不是属于你和我
因此能历久而不言 。
众人皆期盼能拥有幸运 ,
但 , 下定决心努力追求的人 ,
若想要幸运临门 ,
最有效的方法 ,
创造新环境 。
对手只相信运气的人而言 ,
没有人能够贩售运气 ,
因为运气乃非卖品 。
既然创造幸运就是创造环境 。。。 。。。
那 , 幸运是否降临 ,
完全取决于你 。

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


让人生变得更精彩 ; 让人人都变成了 “超人” ! 只因 “心中有爱 , 万事皆能" !!

有了爱 , 你能使得自己情愿牺牲自己也要保护他人 ~ 这是父亲伟大的爱
因为爱 , 你能不辞劳苦 , 在劳任怒的不断为他人付出 ~ 这是母亲更伟大的爱
因为爱 , 你将能以一颗宽容的心来包容她 ! 宽容他 ! ~ 这是夫妻之间的恩爱
也因为爱 , 你将在他人有难时 , 献赏你的帮助 , 你的鼓励 ~ 这是亲人的爱
因为心中有爱 , 一个丑陋的男人/女人 , 在你心中也能变得格外漂亮 , 英俊 ~ 这或许是亲人的爱 (是永恒或是暂时 , 见仁见智)

在世界的每个角落都找得到 。 情就好像空气般无所不在 。 亲情 , 友情 , 爱情 , 人情 , 同情 , 无情 , 薄情 。。 。。
情 , 洋溢着世界的每一个角落 。
情 , 能让我们的人变得更可爱 , 更温馨 , 也能让我们的人生变得残酷 , 冷漠 。。

亲情 , 友情及爱情 , 人人都渴望拥有这三情 。
亲情 , 友情难能可贵 ,
真的爱情却难求 !
朋友让我们一起远离无情 , 抛开薄情 , 好让人生 , 人间无时无刻都被温馨的 ”情“ 弥漫着 ; 让人生充满着令人感到幸福的 ”情“ 。

朋友 , 让我们一起为而活吧 !!!

MeSsAgE FrOm THe HeArT

It is not how much we do ,
It's how much love we put in doing it .

The hardest part of moving forward , is not looking back !!
Matters of the heart are hard fathom .
Do express how you fell in you heart or they will always remain as voices in the heart , heart only by you alone . Holding back because of fear of loss or heart aches will only distance you from happiness within you reach . Don't live a life full of "what if" . We are given the gift to feel and love , so treasure this gift you have . As they always say , what good use is money but paper if you don't use them .

A very true conversation which we always hid in our hearts and never voice it out until ...

If you see me walking the road with someone else
It's not because I like him company ,
Its because you're not brave enough to walk beside me .
If you hear me talking about him all the time ,
It's not because he pleases me ,
It's because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat .

If you feel me falling with someone new ,
It's not because I love him ,
Because you're not there to catch me fall .

If you feel lost , I too am now here ,
I too don't know where the road is going ,
Are we gonna cross each other's path ,
Or just complete turn around ?
Will we just let go of what we had ,
Or got to the place where love is bound .

Don't let me walk with him ,
It's you I want to walk with ,
Don't let me talk of him ,
It's you I want to walk with ,
Don't let me fall for him ,
It's you I want to fall in love with .

"The Answer"
When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walk beside you ,
I was behind you every step of the way ,
Still filed with awe because of the beauty that stands before me .

When you thought I was too deaf to hear your heartbeat ,
I didn't want to assume anything ,
And I was afraid to lose our friendship .

When you thought I wasn't there to catch you ,
It's because you never gave me the chance ,
You never reached the bottom , you're already grabbed a branch .

If you feel like you are nowhere , I too am lost ,
I too don't know where the road is going ,
Are we just going to turn around ,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path ?
Will we just let go of what we had ,
Or go to the place where love is bound ?

Don't let me walk alone ,
I want to walk by your side ,
Don't let me talk of something else ,
It's you I want to talk with ,
Don't let me fall for someone else ,
It's you I want to fall in love with .

The sad thing about life is when you meet someone that meant a lot to you , only to find out in the end , that is never bound to be and you just have to let go . There are things you live to hear but you wold never hear it from whom you would like to hear it , but don't be deaf to hear it from a person who says it with his heart .

Sunday, August 2, 2009


明明你就远在身边 近在眼前


你 可不可以 爱我?
你 可不可以 想我?

你 可不可以 看我?
你 可不可以 告诉我







思念 你那阳光般的笑容
思念 你那开朗的说笑声
思念 你的一切的一切

痛苦 再也见不到你的笑容
痛苦 再也听不到你的说笑声
痛苦 是因为我..看见了你的不快乐



